The North Overlook Playscape is a playground made of natural materials. This playground is located in the North Overlook Recreation Area on Lake Red Rock.
Name: North Overlook Playscape
Address: 1007 Highway T15, Pella, IA 50219
Type: Places to Play, Places to swim
Bathrooms: Yes
Shade: Yes, shaded shelter
Playground: Nature playground
Trails: Nature trail
Water: Water to splash in at the beach. Drinking fountains near the beach area.
Other notes:
This area provides camping, bike trails, hiking, and a public beach.
Official Website:
DSMOF Blog posts:
Other things nearby of note:
If you’re looking for other places to get outside, check back in with the interactive map!
The Nature Playscape in the Pella area is a natural place to play! This area provides nature hiking trails, natural materials to play and build with, and premade wood items to play with too!
There was a short nature trail loop that was perfect for exploring and we saw all types of birds!
Fossil displays at the end of our nature hike loop.
Right near the nature playground is a public beach for swimming. It was not officially open when we visited, but the kids loved to splash and play in the sand.
The beach area provided bathrooms and drinking fountains.
Paella is one of the nicest quaint place to visit. I’ve been there several times. The people are wonderful.