This is a huge park with lots of different offerings. It has a traditional playground, with the Ashley Okland Star playground across the street, which is listed separately on DSMOF. The Dog park and Lilac Arboretum also have their own separate pages. The Children’s Forest sounds really neat, and Ashley Okland has a fun dirt nature trail.
Name: Ewing Park
Address: 5300 Indianola Ave, Des Moines, IA 50320
Type: Places to play and places to visit
Bathrooms: Yes
Shade: Yes, shaded shelters
Playground: Yes
Trails: Yes, dirt
Water: Yes, stream and pond
Other notes: BMX Track, 18 hole disc golf, dog park, nature trail, soap box derby track, pond, Children’s Forest. Ashley Oakland Star Playground is across the street – it is an adaptive, inclusive playground with a packed rubber ground, and has a separate site listing here. Nature trail map here.
Official Website:
DSMOF Blog posts:
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